Our Charter
Our mission: Our mission is to make the relationship between the provider and purchaser of healthcare services simpler, more efficient, and more transparent by creating standard protocols that can be voluntarily adopted.
Our Vision: OpenNetworks strives to create a healthcare ecosystem that focuses on benefitting all parties, including patients, providers, and payers. By establishing an accessible, open marketplace, OpenNetworks seeks to make a positive impact on the industry, ultimately delivering quality care at a more affordable cost.
The project’s success will be measured by its ability to create a network of healthcare providers at competitive fee levels and its ability to attract employers and other purchasers of health services. It will also measure success by its ability to lower administrative costs, increase transparency, and by the number of innovative projects on its comprehensive decentralized network and administrative platform.
Our Founding Principles:
Voluntary and open membership available to a range of stakeholder classes, including Participating Provider, Employer, Investor, Contributor.
The cooperative corporation will be operated using democratic, member control.
Economic participation in the rewards of the cooperative corporation will flow exclusively to members.
Voluntary and open membership available to a range of stakeholder classes, including Participating Provider, Employer, Investor, Contributor.
The cooperative corporation will operate independently, although certain governance rights remain with the OpenNetworks Foundation so long as the Foundation holds at least 10% of the membership interests.
The Cooperative will seek to provide extraordinary levels of transparency into the details of all contractual arrangements and to maintain education, training and information resources to advance the interests of the cooperative.
Whenever possible, the cooperative will seek to work with other cooperatives and to advance the general principles of decentralized, secure, peer-to-peer relationships between any party seeking to promote an open and transparent health care payment system.
The cooperative will seek to support not only those operating in the health insurance marketplace, but will also make the discounts and services of the cooperative available to uninsured individuals and families.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum doloremque ipsam, dicta saepe magnam placeat praesentium.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum doloremque ipsam, dicta saepe magnam placeat praesentium.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum doloremque ipsam, dicta saepe magnam placeat praesentium.
work with us
We are a network of motivated individuals. Some of us have a long history of building health care organizations and some of us are coming into this work with a fresh eye unburdened by the past. Our founding effort is being supported by the Wiggins Foundation and individual donors. We are borrowing from the examples of Mozilla and many healthcare organizations who amplify their mission through creative structuring to attract the participation of entire industries.
We have creative ways to reward those who are willing to help us succeed. We need to expand our reach and grow the army of people collaborating to build our protocols. We need software engineers, data scientists, and people who have run healthcare organizations and been on the front lines of negotiating health care contracts between payers and providers.
Mostly, we need people who want to make a difference. And people who are curious, who lean-in to what is possible and who understand the positive potential of all the changes happening right now.
Web 3.0, machine learning, artificial intelligence, large language models, the network effect, digital asset tokenization and incentives, if that isn’t enough to get your engine started, how about trying to impact the $4 trillion of healthcare spending in the U.S. We surely are just scratching the surface of what this project can be.
In the Press
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Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card’s content.
Press Release Heading
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card’s content.
Press Release Heading
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card’s content.