We are building America's
most advanced open
access health network

OpenNetworks.org is America’s first health network cooperative. A mutual cooperative designed by payers and providers with shared governance by all to further drive innovation, collaboration and competition. It is a collaborative and member-owned organization that aims to revolutionize healthcare delivery by bringing together all participants in a collective manner. For all participants, OpenNetworks makes every transaction more consistent, simpler to administer, and more accurate. Gone are the days of error caused through legacy systems implementing varying claim edits and medical management protocols. By leveraging the powers of web 3.0, different systems and organizations can interact seamlessly, reducing friction in data exchange and process integration. Our goal is to enable peer-to-peer interactions without intermediaries, empowering our customers and users with greater control over their data and digital identities.

Why Join the Co-op?
For Healthcare
Simplified enrollments and maintenance of public facing profile
Unified pricing, terms and payment policies.
Faster, more secure payment.
Rewards and governance rights in return for network participation
Access to all historical claims and payment records.
For employers
Competitively priced networks available for self-funded benefit plans.
Direct access to pricing data to promote employee awareness.
Permanent records of historical claims (Beneficiary ID data removed)
Rewards and governance rights in return for use of network
for innovators
Direct access to networks on which to build programs serving targeted patient populations.
Speed to market for new ideas and innovations.
Elimination of the single biggest impediment to the adoption of new programs, treatments and technologies.
for insurers
Low-cost solution for out-of-area network - replacing rental networks.
Overcome the advantage enjoyed by dominant share carriers.
Access leading edge capabilities to improve speed, accuracy, and transparency.
Our Team Members
Steve Wiggins
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Joe Nelson
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Neal Kaufman
Chief Operating Officer /
Chief Financial Officer
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Steve Wiggins
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Joe Nelson
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Neal Kaufman
Chief Operating Officer /
Chief Financial Officer
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Our Advisors
Andrew Keys
Co-Founder & President DARMA Capital
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Steve Schutzer
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Glen Moller
CEO of Upward Health
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Jeffrey Hogan
President of Upside Health Advisors
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Kevin Hill
Operating Partner for Peloton Equity
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Kreg Gruber
CEO by Beacon Health System’s Board of Directors
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Kurt Fullmer
President and Owner of Fullmer Motorcycle
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Aneesh Chopra
President of CareJourney
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Lisa M. Trumble
CEO of the Southern New England Healthcare Organization (SoNE HEALTH)
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Patrick Long
Founder of Hero Health
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Karen van Caulil
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value
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Robert A. Stevens
CEO of Ridgeview Medical Center
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David A. Rendall
CEO of multiple companies
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John F. Rodis
Founder Arista Health
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Andrew Cavana
Partner at Apax Partners LLP
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Join Our Innovative

We are a network of motivated individuals. Some of us have a long history of building healthcare organizations and some of us are coming into this work with a fresh eye unburdened by the past. Our founding effort is being supported by the Wiggins Foundation and individual donors. We are borrowing from the examples of Mozilla and many healthcare organizations who amplify their mission through creative structuring to attract the participation of entire industries.

We have creative ways to reward those who are willing to help us succeed. We need to expand our reach and grow the army of people collaborating to build our platform. We need software engineers, data scientists, and people who have run healthcare organizations and been on the front lines of negotiating healthcare contracts between payers and providers. Mostly, we need people who want to make a difference. And people who are curious, who lean-in to what is possible and who understand the positive potential of all the changes happening right now.

Currently, health insurance networks are the foundational building block of most health care spending in the United States.  These networks impact the pricing, administration, and quality of health insurance programs.  They determine the basic competitiveness of healthcare markets, and their owners have become the defacto gatekeepers of innovation, flexibility and collaboration.  Information is opaque, especially regarding the cost of service, and there are limited opportunities for users to make health care decisions based on cost.  Compounding the problem: hundreds of isolated unique networks, maybe large for a market but lacking scale to the nation, all operating in their own silos, all with their own approach and protocols.